I know this is not the start that we had hoped for but it is what we have, so let’s make the most of it!
I am delighted to say that we are open for After School. All our Team are well and very happy to be back at work. A couple more weeks on site and we will have walked off all those chocolates and treats that you so kindly gave us pre the Christmas break. Many thanks!
Unfortunately, we are not permitted to open for our ECCE children at this time. ZOOM was our answer to this problem last time but it was also everyone’s answer. Demands on parents’ time, devices, wifi and children’s ability to concentrate on queue often proved too much so we are trying something new this time.
All five teachers have chosen to work together dividing up the load into various blocks. At the beginning of every week you can expect a mail from us offering an array of options. The ‘options’ for this week are as follows:
Firstly each teacher has recorded a personal greeting for their group. We are so conscious that your child is not getting to see their teacher or their friends and we hope this little gesture will help to bridge the gap, bringing Apres to you, at home.
David has created a lovely video, working on the numbers in Spanish, 1 – 5.
Eithne and Luci have been busy working on sounds and numbers. Videos have been forwarded. They are really simple but if you don’t know how, then they are not so simple. For example what is the correct pronunciation of ‘a’ or ‘e’? You would be amazed at the number of parents that ask us this question.
Hannah has recorded some beautiful storytime, ‘The President’s Cat’ is what you’ll be listening to this week. She has also forwarded a ‘Stay-At-Home Birdwatching Challenge’. I love it, I am even keeping an eye out myself😊. You’ll also find plenty of colouring sheets and a Teddy Bear Wall hanging.
Niamh has created practical and sensorial videos, again very simple yet all important. It will take 5 minutes to get everything ready and could provide hours of enjoyment for your child. Don’t worry, everything you need is a household item so no requirement to leave the house.
It is sad that the children will be doing this work outside of Apres however, I also believe that it is an opportunity for you, the mums and dads to see how we do things.
The sounds are all important, keep listening! Get the fundamentals right and the rest will fall into place more easily. ‘Work from left to right’ helping to train the eye muscles for later reading. The ideas you will get from this distance learning will help both you and your child. You will be able to reinforce all day long what we try to do in the 3 hours.
Enjoy our ‘options’ and until next week, ‘stay safe’.
Maria and all the Apres Team
The ideal environment for your children.
The Apres School Club ethos to encourage children develop all the early life skills in a safe, creative and stimulating environment where interaction and self expression are always actively encouraged.
When you entrust your child to our care, you do so in the knowledge that he or she will benefit from the experience of highly motivated childcare experts, who will work with you the parent to help your child mature into a well balanced and confident little person. Our environments and work practice are supported by Síolta and Aistear – our national framework and curriculum for early childhood care and education.

Children should feel that they have a place within their community that provides and promotes:

They feel accepted and affirmed and where their diverse needs are catered for.

Links with the family and the wider world are affirmed and extended.

They feel accepted and affirmed and where their diverse needs are catered for.

They are encouraged to learn with and alongside others.

They can identify and feel comfortable with routines, customs and regular events.

Symbols and representations of their own culture are promoted and respected.
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