At 9am on Thursday the 31st of August this year, the Apres School Club Montessori will open its doors to its 2017/2018 intake. No doubt there’ll be trembling and there’ll be tears and that’s just the mummies but hopefully before the week is out, things will begin to settle.
Every year is different but the one constant remains, children love to learn.
We have two Montessori rooms this year. Bronagh Dixon and Kaitlin Harrington will be taking the Green Room while Jackie Cooney, Hannah MacDonald and Fiona McGuirk will be taking the Orange.Rooms have been designed to inspire and excite, to provide a space for children to grow and flourish, where they can explore their interests while spending time with their peers. We strive to provide the highest standard of care for your child, and take pride in the fact that children often don’t want to leave when home time comes!
The Montessori Team has changed this year as Catriona Sheehan who originally set up our Montessori with Bronagh Dixon is taking leave of us. Catriona is embarking on her 2nd Year of a Masters in Professional Education which unfortunately requires 18 weeks of teaching practice in a Primary School. Catriona has been a fantastic teacher, mentor and colleague. We wish Catriona well and will miss her very much.

Sessional Services
If your child attends only for the ECCE “sessional” service, the normal pattern for the free pre-school year is 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, over 38 weeks. If your child attends for more than 3 hours, you will be charged for the extra time.
Full Day Care Services
If your child attends full-time or part-time, the normal pattern for the free pre-school year is 3 hours per day over 38 weeks.The subsidy received for the ECCE will be deducted from your full day care fee. Once the 38 weeks of the ECCE term are over the fee will then revert to the after school full day rate.
Interested in enrolling your child?